Deborah Ramirez is the second women who came forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The claim came just before Christina Blasey Ford is set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about her own allegation against Brett Kavanaugh.

According to New Yorker, Deborah Ramirez who attended Yale University with Kavanaugh, said that the incident happened at a dorm room party in college and forced her to touch his genitals without her consent. She added that another student in the group encouraged her to ‘kiss it’ and in the process of pushing Kavanaugh away, she touched his penis.

Ramirez told the incident took place in 1983/84 school year while Kavanaugh was a Yale freshman. She currently lives in Colorado and works with an organization that provides support to domestic violence victims.

Deborah told The New Yorker that it happened at a party she was invited to by a friend on the college’s women’s soccer team. She was freshman at that time and had been drinking at that time. She told that at one point a male student pointed a ‘gag plastic penis’ in her direction and then another male exposed himself to her. She says that person was Kavanaugh.

I can still see his face, and his hips coming forward, like when you pull up your pants,” and then she heard other male students yelling about what happened. “Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,  It was his full name. I don’t think it was just ‘Brett.’ And I remember hearing and being mortified that this was out there.

After the news broke, Kavanaugh wrote in a statement saying: “This alleged event from 35 years ago did not happen. The people who knew me then know that this did not happen, and have said so. This is a smear, plain and simple. I look forward to testifying on Thursday about the truth, and defending my good name — and the reputation for character and integrity I have spent a lifetime building — against these last-minute allegations.

Some classmates of the Ramirez and Kavanaugh said that they had no recollection of Kavanaugh exposing himself. Some college friends of Kavanaugh also said that they never heard of the incident happening. While, one classmate told he was 100% sure someone told him about the incident at that time.